Information is an important asset and plays a major role in achieving the business goals of the or­­­ganizations, which require the development of measures and protection mechanisms. In modern in­formation systems information derived from the processing of digital data stored in in­formation sys­tems, which are shared by different geographical areas. Any loss of system servers, network communications, or other resources for an extended period of time could have a severe impact on the Organization.

Business Continuity Management is an important governance and administration proce­du­re aiming at the protection of an organization from internal and external risks that would negatively affect the achievement of its operational objectives. Specific technical and organizational con­trols should be identified and im­ple­men­ted in or­der to ensure the continuity of the company business processes.

Purpose of the BCMS Project

The purpose of this project is the provision of advisory services for the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Implementation and preparation of the Organization to cope with the effects of an emergency. The main objectives of the BCMS are:

  • To define and prioritize the Critical Functions of the organization minimizing the organizational impact in case of their possible interruption.

  • To address the emergency risks to the business in the case the first are realized.

  • To define the response of the Organization to an emergency.

  • To identify Key contacts during an emergency.


The main goals of the proposed project are:

  • Identify key business processes of the Organization
  • Identify/evaluate existing Technical and Organizational controls for business continuity

  • Prepare the Business Impact Assessment

  • Conduct the Risk Assessment

  • Propose the appropriate Technical and Organizational controls

  • Develop the Business Continuity Plans

  • Conduct Internal Audit in order to identify any grey areas of non-conformity

Project Phases

The following Figure presents the main phases of the project.

Business Continuity Management ISO 22301